02/06 — Innovation

Socket outlets
integrated with USB charger

Introducing the products

Socket outlets featuring integrated 2xUSB chargers (2.1A or 3.1A rated) offer a convenient solution for charging electronic devices in various segments, including hotels, airports, and residential homes. These devices eliminate the need for bulky adapters, allowing users to simultaneously charge up to two devices - while leaving the traditional plug socket available for other appliances.

The USB chargers features a dynamic device recognition chipset, that allows charging devices at optimal speed. They also include over-voltage and over-heating protection to ensure users and devices safety.

Case Study

From a late market position in this area,
to developing a large portfolio of USB chargers within wiring devices.

My Role

Research, customer insights
As Product Manager, I conducted market and user research to identify customer needs and pain points. I translated these insights into features, and also shared them with the entire Product Management Dep., which inspired a larger project in this area.

Ideate, product vision and concept
I created the concepts (wireframes) to share the product vision and it's main functionalities. A visual approach help to visualise the requirements, estimate the project efforts and gain alignment within our global development team.

Project execution, testing and launch
We started the development process by building the business case and approval by the finance team. I prioritised the delivrables, defined the product requirements (using MoSCow method), reviewed the prototypes, and oversaw field testing (ethnography, installation tests). Furthermore, I co-developed comprehensive marketing and technical collateral, trained and supported the marketing teams for the market launches.

The Challenges

USB chargers are complex products by nature, as they incorporate hundreds of electronic components in a limited space.

Integrating this technology into wiring devices further increased this complexity due to the limited and fixed space available, potential heat generation, and the regulations associated with electrical products installed within walls. Developing the initial product, a 1-gang combined USB socket outlet, required an more than 18 months in development, from the concept to market launch.

The scope of the project was consequent, as 19 new products needed to be developed for the entire portfolio. The timing was also key, as we wanted to launch a "first to market" device as part of a new range launch in 2017 and comply with a specific standards prior in 2018.

The project scope was significant, as necessitating the development of 19 new products to expand in our entire portfolio. Furthermore, we wanted to be fast to the market for this new product in 2017 and also ensure compliance with upcoming related standards released in 2018.

Adressing the challenges.

To effectively manage the project scope, timeline, and constraints, I prioritised on the requirements and we agreed to implement a phased approach to product delivery.

The Discoveries

Customer Insights
Based on my personal experience living in London previously, I first believed that USB integrated sockets could have a significant potential in this market. Later on, my market/user research validated this intuition, uncovering customer pain points and identifying key users benefits.

Housing characteristics:
- A majority (approximately 94%) of houses in the UK were constructed before 1995.
- These older homes usually have limited socket outlets, present large and solid walls.

Customers pain points:
With the original USB charging adapter supplied with a new phone:
- Frequently loss.
- Could break.
- Limitation to charging only a single device at a time. Most users require charging multiple devices simultaneously.
- Cannot charge devices from a brand at the optimal speed, as they are "hard-wired".

New economic benefits (for vendors)
- Socket outlets with integrated USB command typically from 2x to 7x higher price than standard socket outlets.
- The shorter lifetime of USB chargers compared to socket outlet (more frequent replacements, increase revenue streams).  

Mapping The Customer Experience